Friday, October 06, 2006


Over there.
Across the state line.
In Kansas. I never did like Kansas all that much anyways.

It's called a church, but it ain't like no church I have known. The turds from the Westboro Baptist Church have crawled out from under their rock again, intent upon spewing their cranial diarrhea at an Amish funeral for dead school children.

Mike Gallagher tried to talk some sense into one of their piles representatives on Mike's radio show. Apparently, he was successful and points out that No Good Deed goes Unpunished.

When I managed to convince the hateful, horrible members of the Westboro Baptist Church to call off their planned "protests" outside the funerals of the little Amish girls in Pennsylvania, I didn't expect to get a ticker tape parade or anything. In fact, I wasn't looking to do anything at all except figure out how to use my radio show to thwart these people from hurting the Amish mourners any further.

But getting slammed by people who are on the same side of the ideological fence as me was pretty surprising.