Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Read 'em & weep (or rejoice), boys & girls.

An inter-active, state-by-state map of major elections.

World financial markets rattled by US elections

Global finance markets have wobbled on fears that a Democrat victory in the US Congressional elections could prompt less market-friendly policies in the world's biggest economy.
Gee. ya think?

Powerline puts a fine point on the congressional sweep with good news and bad news.
The good news is that Connecticut has re-elected Joe Lieberman. The bad news is that (the) sweetest Senate result to date involves a Democrat winning.

Michael Medved is more circumspect with some uncomfortable lessons from a disastrous night.
The numbers from every corner of the country make it clear that the American people meant to send a message to their leaders, and the future of the conservative movement depends on an accurate reading of the substance they meant to communicate, and a realistic reassessment of the current state of our politics. Herewith, some lessons from the debacle—some of them obvious, but others counterintuitive and unexpected.