Monday, November 06, 2006

Waiting for the fat lady...

...or someone like her.

The Discerning Texan has proposed that absentee ballots will win the day for the republican party.

Simply Google 'absentee' and you will (read) stories from every state where absentee voting is way, way up and reaching levels comparable to the 2004 elections (they seem to have already passed the 2002 midterm marks). What this does mean is all those polls we have been seeing, where Dems have been weighted because of the drop of in Rep responses are bogus. And I do mean bogus. Rassmussen and others have said they have seen a big 'increase' in Dem party responses. And with these massive absentee and early voting levels it is clear these were not changes in the electorate, but changes in the electorate’s participation in polls. That is why pollsters would have done better to show the two results based on heavy turn out for both sides of the partisan aisle, and one result for equal turnout.

And is Maryland a bellweather state for an open revolt by black voters against the democratic party?

Can I get an amen?