Friday, November 03, 2006

You're probably wondering why I have asked all of you here today.

Endorsements and decisions for various Missouri elections:

Constitutional Amendment 2 - Stem Cell Research
Not just no, but HELL NO!
In the summary, this reads like a 'do nothing' amendment - neither allowing nor prohibiting anything not already in federal law. But, read the fine print and it is frightening what is being redefined and allowed to be placed into law.

Constitutional Amendment 3 - Healthy Future Trust Fund
Healthy trust fund, my furry behind. More like a healthy slush fund.
This is a tax on cigarette consumption for all the nicotine slaves out there. What's burns my citizenship is this notion of selectively piling on exhorbitant taxes to certain members of this nation for behavior control. Either outlaw the noxious weed or leave people alone. 'Sin taxes' do not work. Besides, politicians have never found a tax that they did not like and there are no 'locked boxes' that the money grubbers can't break into for 'general funds'.

(Nov 7) Constitutional Amendment 6 - Property Tax Ememption
Yes. Any tax reduction is almost always a yes; especially for legitimate tax exempt organizations.
Yes, even the Stowers Institute.

(Nov 7) Constitutional Amendment 7 - Elected Officials' Pension
You mean this isn't required already??
Politicians will forfeit state pensions upon felony conviction, removal from office following impeachment or for misconduct. DOH!
A big YES on this one.

Proposition B - Minimum Wage
Citizens voting to raise the minimum wage in Missouri.
Not just no, but HELL NO!
Tell me again why it is the business of strangers as to what I pay my employees??
The fact that this is on the ballot of a general election is further proof that the republic is going to hell in a basket. The loss of the concept and respect for private property is appalling.
Cut to the chase - Let's just exhume karl marx now and erect a shrine to him. Krykee!


Matt Bartle for state senate.

Jeff Grisamore for state house.

Charles Baum for Missouri state auditor.

Other endorsements are posted as visual links on the left.
Happy voting and God save the Republic not democracy - Republic.