Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Many nations utilize system of flat taxation

Worldwide Trend toward "Flat Taxes" Should Guide Congress, Nation's Largest Taxpayer Group Says.
In the mid-20th century, Hong Kong was the only country with a flat -- and proportional -- national personal income tax rate. Since then, 17 other countries have followed suit and introduced flat taxes, according to the World Taxpayers Associations (WTA), a coalition of 60 taxpayer-advocacy groups -- including the 362,000-member National Taxpayers Union (NTU) -- from 44 countries.

"A single-rate tax would create a more simplified and transparent Tax Code," NTU Vice President for Policy and Communications Pete Sepp said. "Single-rate taxes represent the wave of the future for countries that want to be competitive and governments that want to respect the rights of their taxpayers."

NTU is a nonpartisan, nonprofit citizen organization founded in 1969 to work for lower taxes, smaller government, and economic freedom at all levels. Note: For further tax policy information, visit www.ntu.org.