Friday, January 25, 2008

Reason no. 456 for SCHOOL VOUCHERS

Parent Peeved Over Movies Allegedly Shown At Luther High.
According to one concerned parent, his son, a student at Luther Oklahoma High School, has watched over 46 hours of movies in class since Oct. 2007.

"I want my son to be able to do algebra. I want him to know about Oklahoma history. I want him to know about literature. These are things that he needs to be prepared for, for life."
When the concerned parent repeatedly questioned the wisdom of movies vs homework, a snide teacher remarked, "Seriously! Are we going to continue doing this the rest of the year?"

Uh huh. Typical elitist, lazy union attitude. The NEA claims they want parental involvement, but all they really want is the public's tax money to guaranteed the teacher's union jobs.
Officials with the Oklahoma Department of Education are also investigating the allegations, noting that by law, students should receive at least six hours of instruction per day.
List of movies LHS students watched since Oct. 2007. Is this OK with YOU?

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