Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Schadenfreude extraordinaire

Douche bag on parade! Scott Thomas Beauchamp's "Shock Troops" Statements.

Confederate Yankee has the details of this douche bag's attempt to cover his seditious lies soon after CENTCOM started its investigation.

"At no point during these two statements does Beauchamp directly recant.

He does not provide any support to the claims made in his article, "Shock Troops." There does not appear to ever have been any documentary evidence to support this story, nor the author's two previous stories.

Franklin Foer, editor of The New Republic, penned a retraction of these stories five months later. Foer has yet to issue an apology to his critics or the military he maligned during the course of this story. "
Foer's probably still hiding under his desk, and I wonder how long before beauchump is sued for libel.