Wednesday, February 20, 2008

107 ft muslim minaret in St. Louis suburb

No loudspeakers. Yet. From the Gateway Pundit:
In the last decade 50,000 Bosnians have moved to St. Louis and many to the South City Bevo Mill neighborhood. St. Louis today is thought to hold the largest Bosnian population in the nation.
From St. Louis Today:
The mosque is the Islamic Community Center, or Madina Masjid, at 4666 Lansdowne Avenue. A minaret is a tower from which the Muslim call to prayer is traditionally sounded. At a groundbreaking ceremony last July, Mayor Francis Slay said the 107-foot structure would likely be the first minaret in the city's history. But Madina Masjid's spiritual leader, Imam Muhamed Hasic, said the minaret is symbolic, not practical. There is no sound system or speakers on the minaret, which is scheduled to be completed next week. He said the minaret will not be used to call Muslims to prayer.
As long as that holds true, I've got no problem with it. America has been the land of opportunity and religious freedom since its inception. It should stay that way for all people, but what I & many others object to is immigrants coming here with aggressive ideologies to demand that the all others conform to them. If you've ever been to a muslim country and experienced the 5 times a day for 15 plus minutes at time, very loud speakered calls to prayer, you will understand that this could become a huge point of contention in middle America.