Tuesday, February 19, 2008

C and C considered at AZ schools

Or, why 'gun free zones' aren't. Bryan at HA expounds:

It should be clear now that declaring schools “gun free zones” does not make them gun free zones. It makes them killing fields if a mad gunman enters them and opens fire.

Allowing concealed carry at schools won’t, as some believe, mean that everyone will be armed and when violence erupts a free-for-all will ensue. It would mean that people who have demonstrated responsibility with firearms by undergoing certified training would be able to obtain a permit to carry. Those people would be the ones who would be most likely to respond to a mad gunman. They would be able to return fire and possibly end rampages and save lives.
BMW made a similar point last week concerning the slaughter at the Kirkwood, MO City Council meeting. And the Discerning Texan reiterates by declaring:
"Unfortunately, all of the recent American gun "massacres" in recent memory occurred in a gun free zone. Hello?? Is there anyone out there paying attention?"
DT then points us to the American Thinker with evidence that 'gun free zones' maybe the most dangerous places in America today.

Pay attention indeed.