Friday, February 29, 2008

Pelosi to investigate whitehouse aids

Doesn't this peevish twit have something better to do?

House Republican leaders were quick to ridicule Pelosi’s request, and used it as another opportunity to stress the importance of passing a bill updating the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

“The terrorist threat to our country is not going away, and this sort of pandering to the left-wing fever swamps of loony liberal activists does nothing to make America safer,” said Michael Steel, spokesman for House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio).
All this on the heels of pelosi's marxist lust for an additional $18 billion dollars in oil company revenues for the government.

~Brought to you by the same obtuse electorate that swoons for the obamanator.

Update: A lucid moment for the peevish twit & company. Is a FISA deal in the offing?