Wednesday, March 26, 2008

4,000 U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq

Colin Powell is quoted as saying,

"We have gone forth from our shores repeatedly over the last hundred years and we’ve done this as recently as the last year in Afghanistan and put wonderful young men and women at risk, many of whom have lost their lives, and we have asked for nothing except enough ground to bury them in, and otherwise we have returned home.... to live our own lives in peace. But there comes a time when soft power or talking with evil will not work where, unfortunately, hard power is the only thing that works."

Death doesn't take a holiday. Neither does evil.

Not Easter; not ever. And while President Bush honors the brave men & women in uniform, who place their lives & safety in danger for the benefit of freedom loving people everywhere, the tantric BDS infants seek to exploit this 'grim milestone' of a whole number followed by several zeros in a never ending, futile attempt to satisfy their own grotesque political masturbation. Apparently, the preceding deaths weren't all that note worthy for the tantric BDS infants, but as President Bush stated, "Every life is precious."

Monday morning, TAHBYCSIFH reported no less than 430 'grim milestone' search results on yahoo, and laments,
"But, I’d take this “grim milestone” stuff a whole lot easier if only the Associated Press, the LA Times and Denver Post, the New York Times and Reuters, and all of the rest of these sorrowful news organizations which suddenly care about US casualties had been reporting the progress in Iraq all along."

Maybe when pork flies.

But good news doesn't sell papers, and it's easier for these tantric BDS infants to use these military deaths as a sick punch line for their chimpy-mchalliburton bloody-oil screed parades than to realize that these brave men & women, who gave their all, support the mission and believe in the cause. But concepts like 'Duty, Honor & Country' elude the tantric BDS infants. And the echo chamber pablum of 'speaking truth to power' insults our intelligence with 'it's only the evil neo-cons who politicize the war'.

It's not about the troops for the tantric BDS infants. It's never been about the troops - dead or alive. As billy boy is infamously quoted as writing, "I loath the military." GP tells us that under Clinton's watch, as CIC, 7500 military personnel died. No 'truth to power' there. Nope. The truth is, that power to these tantric BDS infants is to assault meek parishioners at their church; blow up symbols of what the don't like; attack those who seek to serve; disrupt others who wish to engage in civil debate; and issue death threats to those who politically disagree.

The truth is that the insulting, destructive and violent messes these tantric BDS infants leave in their wake are quelled and cleaned up (and paid for by your tax dollars) by those under-paid and over-worked 'servant' employees of the police, fire fighter, and EMT who frequently come from the ranks of the very group these tantric BDS infants love to hate - the military. Even as civilians, it's an often thankless (and teeth gritting) 'Duty, Honor & Country'. Who's the 'tolerant' ones again?

Last I looked, the hydra head of this tantric BDS snake - the code pinks; the chomskys; the reids; the sheehans; the soros'; the churchills; the kellers; the IVAWs; the cubans; the glovers; the penns; and the winter soldiers weren't being hounded by the boooshitler death squads into gulags for re-eduction - something that frequently happens in the brutal thugocracies lorded over by the fascist dictators these obtuse myrmidons love to worship!

The truth is, it's the power of U.S. military which defends to the death the rights of even the most seditious of these individuals to object, protest and insult with no more than civil disobedience penalties, or opinion pieces written in condemnation - something that doesn't happen in those brutal thugocracies. And these cowards know it, because death and terror doesn't take a holiday. Neither do the brave men & women in the U.S. military, who place their lives & safety in danger for the benefit of freedom loving people everywhere.

God bless & good luck. Our prayers & well wishes go out to the family & friends of those who have died, from any generation, in service to this country.