Tuesday, March 04, 2008

AP lawyers close blogger down

Where's the 'open society' outrage?

From the Confederate Yankee:

Snapped Shot, a photojournalism criticism site run by Brian Ledbetter, has gone dark due to legal threats from the Associated Press for copyright infringement for reproducing their images in order to critique them.
This speaks directly to bloggers, et al, and the issue of 'fair use' of copyrighted material.

Several Confederate Yankee commenters cut to the quick. One correctly identified this assault on the little guy by the AP's lawyers for what it really is: "cease and desist intimidation". Another commenter defused this legal smoke & mirrors by stating "The law does not recognize any right to profit from fraud" which the AP, Reuters, et al had done with doctored photos. I simply said, "Most modern warfare (corporate or battlefield) requires "money, lawyers, and guns." Bloggers, especially, have damn little of one and three. And most rational people seek mightily to avoid big, steaming, noxious heaps of number two. Snapped Shot exposed the hubris & bigotry of a news giant, and "cease and desist intimidation" landed on its doorstep. The only problem is 'who's next?'

I'm sure the aclu is rushing Snapped Shot's defense as I type. //snark off

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TY Rusty