Monday, March 31, 2008

Fear & loathing in the democratic socialist polit bureau

The "goracle gambit?"

In recent weeks, talk of the potential emergence of former Vice President Al Gore as a consensus candidate for the Democratic Party nomination for President has increased in volume. It would be very easy for him to put the “Al Gore scenario” to rest by simply making it clear he has absolutely no interest in the Presidency in 2008.

In subtle ways he seems to be increasing his visibility, perhaps suggesting that he is not just an innocent bystander in the political drama that continues to unfold.

Or, a far greater shift may be occuring. The goracle's mythical status, fame & persuasion with the world's 'warmer' faithful may extend far beyond the quaint, provincial notion of POTUS. My guess is he wants nothing less than to be worshiped at the obsequious alter of political correctness as a power with global impact.