Saturday, March 29, 2008

I smell a swarm of parasites comin'....

Nipple rings. Government. Outrage. Parasites lawyers.

That's the usual drill. Traveler Says TSA Forced Her to Remove Nipple Piercings at Texas Airport - with pliers! Now she's threatening to sue. Even though the

"TSA's Web site informs passengers that body piercing may prompt additional screening procedures and that they may be asked "to remove your body piercing in private as an alternative to a pat-down search."
I'm sure the obamanator & billary will deal with this on Monday. And isn't it illegal for a 'mature' non-hottie to sport such ta-ta bling? (mybad)

Seriously, I have no sympathy for this new age lunacy of puncturing or mutilating one’s body with shiny metal objects in a micro minature world of terrorist death and destruction. Is the TSA requirement for air travel to REMOVE ALL METAL CONTENTS FROM YOUR PERSON really all that hard to grasp…or understand why it is necessary??

Yup. The ‘nipple frisk’ is stupid, but so is checking people’s shoes. Oh. Wait….
On Nov 28, 2007, in Sri Lanka, a woman linked to the Tamil Tiger terrorist organization detonated a bomb from her bra, killing herself and one other.

Get with the program or stay off the flippin airplane!