Tuesday, March 25, 2008

McCain: U.S. Succeeding in Iraq

CHULA VISTA, Calif. — Fresh off his eighth Iraq visit, Sen. John McCain declared that “we are succeeding” and said he would not change course.

“I’ve commented on hundreds of occasions of the sacrifice the great and brave young Americans have made in Iraq and elsewhere in the world in the struggle against radical Islamic extremism,” McCain told reporters afterward. He said a bracelet he always wears with the name of Matthew Stanley, who was killed in Iraq, is a symbol not just of his sacrifice but also of Stanley’s 4,000 fallen comrades.

“My thoughts and my prayers go out to those families every day,” McCain added.

“I’m not painting to you the most rosy scenario but I am telling you, compared to a year ago, before we started this surge, and with this great general, one of the great generals in American history, General David Petraeus, that we are succeeding in Iraq,” McCain told his audience.

Amen, brother. At least we agree on something.

I'm sure the tantric infants at d kuss/huffypoo don't agree, except on their collective addiction to regurgitate 'f bombs' & other hate speech.....