Saturday, March 15, 2008

More pile on obama??

Yes, we will! .

It is unfair to judge a man by casual associations, but no doubt fair to judge him on the company he keeps for years at a time. - C.Y.
In case you aren't convinced of the dangerous, derisive diatribe which the congregation at Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ pay to support the 'rev' wright to spew (and drive them far, far, away from any inkling of the Gospel message of Jesus Christ) the Gateway Pundit has the video (language warning).

This is the man the obamanator calls his 'spiritual mentor', and has been associated with for 20 years.

In a tepid response from the obamantor, it was announced yesterday that the 'rev' has left the obamanator's campaign. But the obamanator only condemns the words but not ministry (!) of the 'rev' wright. It is not clear if the 'rev' was fired or resigned (language warning).

The obamanator claims to have never personally heard the racist demagoguery of 'rev' wright - a claim I seriously doubt from a 20 year member of a church. I wonder if he ever bothered to read the church's bulletin? Check out pages 9 & 10.

Oh. And speaking of the congregation, guess who else is a member of the racist demagogue's rev. wright's church?

You coffee klatch haus fraus w/ too much time on your hands may want to keep that little fact in mind next time you waste your afternoons with oprah's lil book peddlin', social justice maudlin show. G*D d*mn, America!

The obamanator is quote as saying,
"In a dangerous world, it’s judgment that matters."
Well, Obama's woes continue at the Rezko trial, and that, coupled with everything else an ambitious, head strong young man can get his foot caught in, call into question a lot of his judgments and his ability to make future judgments about the fate of this nation if he ever sits in at the most powerful executive position in the world.

I'll leave you with this: some folks saw the obamantor's rapid fall from grace coming ten miles off, and, for some mysterious reason, lay it all at billary's campaign doorstep.