Friday, March 14, 2008

Obama earmarked $1 million for wife's employer

Yes we can! - do business as usual.

Mrs. obamanator, is employed at the University of Chicago Hospital, where she is a vice president for community affairs. In 2005, just shortly after her husband was elected as the junior senator from Illinois, her salary more than doubled from $121,910 to $316,962.

In 2006, Obama requested that the University of Chicago receive $1 million to support its Construction of New Hospital Pavilion.
The hospital received the grant. I wonder if mrs. obamanator was proud of America at that moment?

In all fairness to the young senator, he was simply doing what all senator's do in office: take care of constituent special interests. We all (should) know that was less the case until the seventeenth amendment significantly shifted every senator's interests (and influential campaign dollars) from their respective state's official business in D.C. to that of individual voter's special interests. This effectively blurred the distinction between the H.R & senate (but that is another post).

For months the obamanator has made the masses swoon with promises to change-change-change the way D.C. does business. That's the talk, but how does he walk? Amanda Carpenter says that when she put all of the obamanator's earmarks into a word document, it compiled out to 51 pages long. Perhaps his definition of change is 'harder to port!'

Of course, now that he is a presidential candidate, he's joining the other candidates in asking the senate to take an election-year break from pork-barrel spending. The senate rejected the requests.

Yes, he can! - talk out both sides of his mouth.