Monday, March 31, 2008

Pile on billary? Yes, we can! Still & again, & again...

Vendors resent Clinton's unpaid bills. Let's do some quick cipherin'... with the latest figures available - Feb., 2008.

Total sucker campaign cash raised: one hundred & seventy-three million, eight hundred & seventy-five thousand, five hundred & seventy-one dollars and fourty-one cents. Reported funds still on hand: $38 million. The fact that billary wants sit bully pulpit and ride veto pen over the world's largest multi-trillion dollar economy, yet she can't even effectively manage her own traveling democratic shell game - priceless.

The New York senator’s presidential campaign ended February with $38 million in the bank, according to a report filed last week with the Federal Election Commission, but only $16 million of that can be spent on her battle with Obama.

The rest can only be spent in the general election, if she makes it that far, and must be returned if she doesn’t. If she had paid off the $8.7 million in unpaid bills she reported as debt and had not loaned her campaign $5 million, the cash she would have had available at the end of last month to spend on television ads and other up-front expenses would have been less than $2 million.

Yup. That's who I want running my health care; and education; and small business; and retirement....

//snark off