Thursday, March 06, 2008

Saudis pay millions to UC-Berkeley & Stanford U

Inside Higher Ed says, "Follow the money and CYA!"

The University of California at Berkeley is set to receive $28 million and Stanford University $25 million under the five-year agreements with King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), a graduate research university on the Red Sea expected to open in fall 2009 with a multi-billion dollar endowment.

Criticism of colleges endeavoring to build campuses or collaborative agreements in the oil-rich Gulf typically include accusations of undue profit motives (a San Francisco Chronicle article Tuesday cited opponents’ fears that Berkeley was “selling its prestige”)ha! they whored that away long ago - Ed., and concerns about whether American standards of academic freedom and nondiscrimination will apply in areas where colleges legally practice discrimination against women, gay people and Jews. “We expect the diversity principles to be central, to be honored, in every arrangement the university makes,” said Barrie Thorne, chair of the Gender and Women’s Studies Department at Berkeley and a professor of sociology. “If they aren’t being honored, they could well expect protest, but nothing to protest yet.”
Protests? Gee...a combined endowment of $53 million or protests. A blind man could see how that will turn out.

Once again, Surber's surgical scribe cuts through the loon toon moonbat hypocrisy.
Marines banned for “don’t ask, don’t tell” but Saudi “execute the gays” Arabia is welcome?
If it all wasn’t so tragically dangerous, it’d be funny.