Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Thank you, Sir! May we have another?!

Or why hollyweird bombs continually bomb at the box office.

From Libertas:

As the box-office deathwatch for Stop-Loss begins, the Washington Post takes a look back and wonders why, why! everything Hollywood’s producing about the war is tanking (well, except one movie no one wants to talk about):

This isn’t rocket science, and everyone playing dumb about the failure of Hollywood’s anti-American, pro-defeat surge isn’t at all convincing. Good Americans love this country. They respect our troops and know our mistakes don’t belong on the same scale with terrorist atrocities. These films are failing because they’re based on lies and thanks to New Media word’s getting out to audiences before they’re suckered on opening weekend.

Go read. Now. And don't give these hollweird turds anymore of your hard earned dollars for them to manufacture propaganda - which aids and abets our enemies.