Saturday, March 15, 2008

Writers strike at daily kuss

I love it when they eat their own. The 'pro-hillary' crowd gets lambasted at the daily kuss with the usual obscene, adolescent hate speech reserved for 'others' (namely conservatives), and the pro-hillaries are upset (DOH!).

Surber says:

This is indicative of how foul and nasty the left is. You are what you post. And at the Kos site I see profanity littering posts that are rotten, bitter and harsh commentaries from people who use anonymity.

The right has these people too.

We avoid them. They don’t get a million hits a day.

Kos does.

And now some of those Kossers are getting some Kos Karma.
As one infamous person recently said, "The chickens are coming home to roost!"