Monday, April 07, 2008

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Religion?

Bumped & updated.
Susan over at WUA informs us that "there are now 401 children being cared for by the state after having been removed from the polygamist compound. The girl that called in the original complaint has still not been located and neither has her child." Remember, folks. This is all because one teen girl claimed to be abused. One. And still no weapons or threatening confrontations.

~The original post:
Ok. So it's a state action, but the question lingers: what is it with swarming, small army, government overkill when dealing against these wacko religious compounds - especially in Texas?? Or is this simply some warped, polit-bureau stalking horse for future confrontations with the 'sharia' agitators?? cue twi-light zone music

No Sign of Polygamist Bride as Authorities Begin Fourth Day of Searching Texas Compound.

(Texas state child protective service officials) are looking for evidence the girl, who allegedly had a baby at 15, and 50-year-old Dale Barlow were married. Under Texas law, girls younger than 16 cannot marry, even with parental approval.
Near as I can tell, from the evidence available, this whole situation involves one poor abused teen girl. One. And no weapons or threatening confrontations. Yet,
...219 women and children were moved by bus Sunday to Fort Concho in San Angelo. Eighteen of the people (presumably children) removed from the compound have been taken into state custody to be placed in foster care.

Is this really the purview of govt.? Is this really the most efficient use of state resources?? There's lots o bad stuff that occurs in and around hundreds of low life government housing projects all across this country which put thousands of children in harms way, but we don't see small armies of troopers or nat'l guard cleaning out those rat's nests! Nor should they.

Apparently, this polygamist cult's leader, (and suspect in the abuse of this poor teen girl) Dale Barlow, is well known to authorities. Plus, his where abouts, and method to communicate with him are established by Barlow's P.O. (shades of Weaver/Ruby Ridge & Koresh/ Waco!) If a crime has been committed, then hunt the perp down and string him up by his small berries! But....

what is it with swarming, small army, government overkill when dealing against these wacko religious compounds - especially in Texas??