Friday, April 25, 2008

Cass County whores it up for Aquila

BlogKC was ahead of the curve with "Aquila wants to change the law it broke." But that Jeff City legislation isn't even inked up yet, and Aquila gets to keep its purloined power plant.

That's right, boys n girls, for a mere 1.8 mil on the dresser, and another 1.46 mil in the naughty boy coffer, Aquila gets to bend over the tax payers and the county government as it's own personal b**ch.

The agreement reached today with the county allows Aquila to keep the South Harper power plant in rural Cass County which Aquila built in 2004 without the county's permission. Aquila also defied the Missouri Court of Appeals' order to not build the plant.

The residents had joined with the county in a lawsuit to fight the plant soon after Aquila announced construction for the site south of Peculiar. Julie Noonan, a spokeswoman for, tearfully voiced a sense of betrayal when told of the agreement.

“If true, I cannot express the extreme disappointment that I feel,” Noonan said today. “We appreciated the support of the county for the past 3½ years and we were told they would never leave us high and dry.”

The agreement allows Aquila to apply for a special-use permit to operate the plant.

A permit? Why? Does some pencil pusher need a job?
The document also requires Aquila to negotiate with homeowners, but includes no provision that a settlement be reached. Mallory said he could not comment on those negotiations because they are between the company and the property owners.

Wham. Bam. Take it again!

Unfreekin believable.