Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Let's play... Spot The Headline Bias!!

This marionette from Iran, al-sadr, doesn't run nothing, except his mouth. And how soon these dead tree big boys forget about blood in the streets from just 10 days ago!!

From the Associated (with terrorists) Press: Al-Sadr threatens to end cease-fire. The AP story first paragraphed that 'seven-month freeze' on hostilities.

From al-reuters: Iraq's Sadr threatens to scrap ceasefire. You know - in the first paragraph - that "truce he imposed on his militia last year".

From MSNBZzzzz: Al-Sadr threatens to end 6-month cease-fire. He - al sadr - is credited with halving the level of violence in Iraq.

From the Guardian UK: Cleric threatens to end Iraq ceasefire.

From CNN: Shiite cleric threatens to end militia's cease-fire. Whoa. Hold the phone! First paragraph: "the oft-broken, seven-month cease-fire of his Mahdi Army militia". Gold star boys.