Wednesday, April 23, 2008

More rat killin'

(Plus, Updated below)

From the Long War Journal:

Ultimatum issued to Mahdi Army in Basrah.

U.S. troops killed 15 Mahdi Army fighters in Baghdad yesterday and have killed 56 fighters since Sadr issued his threat of continued violence last weekend.

The senior-most Iraqi general in charge of the security operation in Basrah, General Mohan al Freiji, has issued an ultimatum for wanted Mahdi Army leaders and fighters to surrender in the next 24 hours, or else.

Arrest warrants have been issued for 81 people, including senior leaders of the Mahdi militia.

Mahdi Army targeted in Baghdad.
US forces in Baghdad alone have reported 56 "criminals" killed since Sadr issued his warning (to continue the violence).

Pressure within Sadr's political movement.
Sadrist politicians have complained about being politically isolated, and some appear to be working to disband the Mahdi Army and conduct negotiations with the US to end the fighting.

TY ACE for the best summary: This al-Sadr is a military genius. It's like he's just toying with us!

The CY deftly adds that as "Iraq Steps Forward, and the Media Slinks Away." (with interesting comments)