Thursday, April 17, 2008


I won't waste much time on this.

I didn't watch the donkey fest last night, but I did listen to some of it on the radio. Krykee. It was like waiting on a terminally delayed flight. If they could bottle that stuff it would be the world's number one selling sleep aid. Just to be fair, the republican version, from months past, would've been a close second.

I find this morning's commentary to be most entertaining; especially this obtuse hilarity from staff troll, Greg Mitchell, at huffypoo. He laments, "ABC News hosts Charles Gibson and George Stephanopolous focused mainly on trivial issues..."

Excuse me? These two donkey kinder have made a three hundred million dollar slam fest of nothing but trivial issues this past year!

Meanwhile, the McCain machine runs cruise control while picking up the cast-offs & undecided voters.

I'm convinced Fred! Thompson had it right - simply post position papers with minimal fanfare and let the electorate put forth enough effort to discern who is the best candidate. But, we all know Fred's! fate.

Nope, the govt. educated electorate demands their bread & circus, and I hope they got a nauseating fill of it last night. Word on the street is the obamanator got tagged for the empty marxist suit that he is, and billary embraced her inner socialist shrew that we have all come to know and loath.

How many more flight delays?