Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Excuse me while I whip this out. A round of schadenfreude for all! That includes you, Michael.

Yup. The Michael Vick / Humane Society Game Night! in prison garb is now canceled.

I'll get rotten peaches for this, but isn't our collective societal backside sewn up just a little too tight with this PC nonsense? It's twisted irony! It's black humor! It's in bad taste! Comedy fame & fortune has been made on such things. Have we become so solemn, humorless, and skittish that we can't indulge in the good natured bizzare for a good natured cause?

Obviously not. Krykee. Mel Brooks would have never gotten Blazing Saddles made in today's bonehead thought police world.

Jason Whitlock disagrees with me.