Thursday, April 03, 2008

Teacher sued for 'hate speech' of religious group

The left seethes with condemnation; aclu champions offended group pro bono; NEA demands discipline for offensive educator.

No? None of that happened?

Oh, wait. The bigot teacher only denigrated and insulted Christians. Never mind.

Chad Farnan, a 16-year-old sophomore, says the teacher, James Corbett, told his students that “Jesus glasses” obscure the truth and suggested that Christians are more likely than other people to commit rape and murder.

The Farnans' complaint was dismissed by the school district, but they took their plight to federal court, where U.S. District Judge James Selna said he believed the case has merit and ordered it to go forward, probably before the end of the year.

The Farnans say that if the school agrees to put Corbett through sensitivity training and requires him to apologize to the students he offended, then the family would consider dropping their lawsuit. The school district has yet to comment on the offer.
Well, let's not get too P.C. How about simply have the teacher rede aloud - in the classroom, at the government school - the Establishment Clause in the U.S. constitution. Especially the part most leftists seem to ignore: 'the free exercise of religion'....