Friday, May 16, 2008

At the movies: Go See Iron Man Again

I'll wait for the DVD, thank you very much, yet many folks still enjoy the 'theater experience, and that's where Dirty Harry over at Libertas comes in with his high praise of the ten buck feel good visual of this spring: Iron Man.

Personally, I'm no longer a theater goer. Too many thirty year old children with their nine year old brats. Not too mention the udder cow piles that hollyweird foists off on thinking people as story telling.

But the worst part is the pre-movie, PC agitprop time wasters. It used to be something fun like previews or cartoons. Now we have post pubescent wanna-bee hotties 'dishing' together ala the E! format. "Alyson, has the details" "Yes, I do, Hunter." "Next up, a wonderful actor fights climate change & the evil people who challenge him..." Blah, blah, blah

Listen to an adult 'dish' on the praises of Robert Downey, Jr. (?!) in a high charged action adventure that leaves you rooting for the good guys, for a change!
If you sat seething as a pansy-ass Superman angst’d his way through a film that replaced The American Way with …and all that stuff: Go see Iron Man again.

If you want to make the people uneasy who chose to remove the Americanism from — of all things — G.I. Joe: Go see Iron Man again.

If you want to feel your finger deep in the eye of all those who gambled a half-billion dollars on anti-war/anti-troop flops: Go see Iron Man again.

If you want Hollywood to see that pro-American films make money: Go see Iron Man again.

If You want Hollywood to see that treating our troops with respect and dignity will make them filthy-stinking rich: Go see Iron Man again.

If you want producers and directors to cast talented grown-ups instead of doe-eyed boy-men: Go see Iron Man again.

If you’re tired of the anti-Americanists using the excuse that we live in a global market and American-centric films don’t make money: Go see Iron Man again.

If you want to support a very talented up-and-coming director who gets it: Go see Iron Man again.

If you want to support a great actor — a class act — who deserves success as much as anyone: Go see Iron Man again.

It's on my DVD list, but you can go to the movies!