Sunday, May 18, 2008

The cancer of Group Identity Politcs

Mike Adams takes on this Maginot line of vacuous moral authority the cowards in leftist academia hide behind.


I’m disappointed to hear no response from you. This is the fourth time I’ve heard a report of an English professor using valuable time in class to criticize me for the things I say outside of class in my widely published column. I have confronted one of the other professors with an offer to debate but she was not willing. I will extend to you now an invitation to debate the issue of academic freedom any time you would like. I think it is important for you to learn to defend your views rather than simply espousing them in front of a captive audience of students who are afraid to voice their disagreements in class because of the power you hold over them.

But, for the record Nicholas, please understand that there are students in your classes who object to your decision to voice your political views in class when you are supposed to be teaching English.

I do not for one moment question your right to interject your political views into your lectures. I’m just annoyed that so many of you in the Department of English do it so often and, of course, that the same professors who do it are unwilling to accept my invitations to debate in public.

A great read, as usual from Professor Adams