Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Former KKK grand poohbah (hearts) the obamanator

I bet michelle is so proud.

Last week, the obamanator got a good monkey stomp from billary in W. Virginia's primary. This week, W. Virginia's senator, and democratic super delegate, Sen. Robert Byrd, endorsed the obamanator for president.

The obamanator was heard to mutter under his breath, 'where the &^%$# were you last week, old man?!' Ok. I made up that last part.

The obamanator picked up seven other super delegates since last week, as well. It's pretty clear that none of those people were ever involved with the KKK.

Obama leads in the CBS News overall delegate count with 1,907 compared to 1,714 for Clinton. While Obama is unlikely to reach the number needed for the nomination (now 2,026 due to Mississippi’s special House election) with tomorrow’s contests, he is expected to have won the majority of the pledged delegates available overall when the results from Kentucky and Oregon are in.

Sen. Byrd explains his KKK association in a lengthy WAPO article published in 2005.

You know, this is America. It's people have a generous nature, and forgiving spirit woven into it's societal fabric by this nation's Christian roots (despite revisionist BS). People like Sen. Byrd can repent of their wicked ways, and we can forgive him.

But it does make me wonder just how much of an apoplectic dog-with-bone hissy fit the MSM would have thrown if a former KKK grand poohpah, and current U.S. Senator, would have endorsed the Republican candidate.

Not that the MSM is politically biased or anything....

right, herr uberman?