Wednesday, May 14, 2008

'Jim Crow' it ain't

The b@st@rd jim Crow is dead, and thank God! The punative & vindictive intent of jim crow was to oppress and segregate, especially at the ballot box, with relentless zeit geist zeal - a spirit akin to today's political correctness. A pox on both.

But, in the 21st century, digital age of no privacy, almost nothing can be accomplished without ID - no matter what your skin pigmentation - and the demagogued notion of voter photo ID being an 'illegal poll tax' is democrat rhetoric to froth up class warfare and pander votes via 'acorn' treachery. This is a bogus & insulting argument that demeans the legitimate civil rights struggle, and belittles the ultimate sacrifice of so many military men & women to keep this nation free.

That's why I agree when Missouri says "Show me voter ID!"

Or, at least, that's what the Missouri senate is currently debating.

Fresh off April's SCOTUS common sense ruling which affirmed an Indiana requirement for voters to show photo ID, the adults of Missouri are attempting to bring the same accountability to the voting process in Missouri by requiring voters to pony up photo ID before they vote.

'Jim Crow' is dead, but let not his spectral memory kill the common sense & civic duty of simply expecting American citizens to openly proclaim who they are and where they live. Do the right thing, Missouri lawmakers. Approve the voter photo ID law.