Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sadr City yields multiple weapons cache to Iraqi Army

Iranian-made EFPs; bomb making material; bottles of chlorine poison with detonators; AK-47s; ammunition; rocket launchers; grenades; blasting caps; RPGs; mortars & shells.

Hey. Every cleric around the world recommends his followers have this stuff. Right?

Iraqi and Coalition forces continue to press against the Mahdi Army in Baghdad as the New Baghdad district begins to heat up. The Iraqi Army raided numerous Mahdi Army weapons caches in Sadr City May 22-23, Multinational Forces Iraq reported. The Mahdi Army has stockpiled weapons throughout the district.

There has been no fighting reported in Sadr City over the past several days as the Iraqi Army takes up positions in strategic areas around Sadr City. As the Iraqi security forces continue to work to secure Sadr City, US and Iraqi forces are pressuring the Mahdi Army in greater Baghdad and beyond.