Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Teen oral sex likely means intercourse, too

Also, show me a young woman who smokes, and I'll show you, not only an 88% chance of sex by the third date, but a 92% chance she 'swallows', too.

That's right - sex & science - another cheap web traffic post! Plus, I'll be excoriated for being so judgmental!

Contrary to popular agitprop in gub'mint schools by the 'let's sexualize everyone as early as possible crowd', teens do not use oral sex as a way to remain 'technical virgins'. In fact, this study by the Guttmacher Institute concludes that teens who do oral are already doing vaginal and anal sex. And those teens determined to stay 'chaste', do none of those things.

In other words, kiddies - if you don't want to fall off the cliff, stay away from the edge.
"There's a popular perception that teens are engaging in serial oral sex as a strategy to avoid vaginal intercourse," said Rachel Jones of the Guttmacher Institute, a private, nonprofit research organization based in New York, who helped do the study. "Our research suggests that's a misperception."

A majority of the teens -- 55 percent -- said they had engaged in oral sex, which was slightly more than the 50 percent who said they had had vaginal sex. But oral sex was much more common among those who already had had intercourse...

Previous research had suggested that oral sex was increasing among teenagers as an alternative to intercourse, but those studies were based on small samples or anecdotal reports.

Don't be like Balaam.

This woman has some good advice for all young adults who want to be unique and special and worth the wait. It'll reap a lifetime of joy. Plus, STD free.