Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A tossed taco salad

The 'melting pot' concept is as American as freedom & opportunity, and just as foundational. Too bad some immigrant groups seek to order a tossed salad instead.

A recent WAPO article attempts to conclude that most modern immigrants to the U.S. of A. assimilate faster than generations past. Local editorialist Mary Sanchez pulls her own politically correct nonsense out of the WAPO article, and concludes 'hispanics do it better'!

That maybe true for many legal immigrants who desire to make this country their home, but the implication is BS, if you consider that many hispanics are here illegally, cling to an 'aztalan worldview', and have no incentive to assimilate into the traditionally American culture. In fact, contrary to what local editorialist Mary Sanchez believes, a case could be made that being here illegally inhibits assimilation more so than in previous generations.

James, over at TheKansasCitian, does an excellent job of refuting Mary Sanchez's misguided conclusion. Good stuff. Give it a rede.