Thursday, June 12, 2008

Barak Milhous Obama's secret documents

Oops. We've been 'explained' not to use his middle name. Too pejorative. Or inflammatory.


At least I think that's his middle name.

Easy to find out, I guess. It's on his birth certificate.

What's that? Barry hasn't made his birth certificate public? Or his selective service registration?

Why is that, so far along in this election process? Weren't these documents required for his candidacy as a senator from the state of Illinois?

~Just curious.

Update: AP over HA has a link to a copy of Barry's birth certificate. But, be warned, you'll have to wade into the d-kuss sewers to view it.

Updated Update: Uh, maybe not.

Updated Updated update: EM says it's all much ado about nothing?