Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Blogger arrests hit record high & the AP charges admission

James over at The Kansas Citian details what all us web word weirdos need to know about the dangers outside the Western world towards those who do not parrot the local fascist philosophy (take your pick).

CC: Obamanator, pelosi & her democratic socialist mymidons.

Meanwhile, the AP wants to charge bloggers by the word for 'Fair Use' of it's copyrighted material in total perversion of the DCMA as most reasonable people interpret it ('s the AP!).

And this tempest has united the moonbats & wingnuts like nothing I've ever seen before.

BetaNews calls it 'a toll booth for bloggers'.

"On the heels of a blogosphere revolt last week because of its harsh actions against social news site The Drudge Retort, the AP regrouped over the weekend to take a less litigative -- but more bureaucratic -- approach to dealing with those who wish to quote its material.

The pricing scale for excerpting AP content begins at $12.50 for 5-25 words and goes as high as $100 for 251 words and up. Nonprofit organizations and educational institutions enjoy a discounted rate."

Dyre Portents says, "So Sue ME!"

ALLAHPUNDIT over at HotAir is walkin' down the road talkin' to himself and wondering 'what the H3LL were they thinking??!

The Moderate Voice likens the AP's demand to 'protection money' - alluding to extortion toward bloggers when other 'traditional' outlets have utilized Fair Use for decades.

And in a goose/gander twist, MM simply states that the AP owes her $132,125! for Fair Use of her content.

Of course, the AP's shot across the blog-o-sphere bow is a result of the AP - and by extrapolation, the MSM in general - having their 'information high ground entitlement' threatened by the rapid & aggressive growth of this new 21st century internet media.

A Brave New World, indeed.