Friday, June 13, 2008

Controversial firefight was with taliban; not Pakistan troops

So says the U.S. military in defiance of the Pakistan govt's. insistence that U.S. troops targeted Pakistani paramilitary troops.

The US military said the clash began in Kunar province, less than 200 yards from the Pakistani border near the Garparai checkpoint. The fighting, which lasted for three hours, moved across the border as US warplanes pursued the Taliban as they retreated into Pakistan's Mohmand tribal agency. (video)

After 45 minutes of fighting, a Warrior Alpha unmanned aerial vehicle arrived to survey the fighting and provide imagery to direct air and artillery support. Twelve guided bombs were dropped on the Taliban forces as they fled the ridgeline and attempted to move to safety across the border into Pakistan. Seven Taliban fighters were confirmed killed in the fighting. "At no time did Coalition ground forces cross into Pakistan," the US military stated.

The June 10 incident highlights the deteriorating situation along the Afghan-Pakistan border, particularly in Pakistan’s lawless tribal areas and the settled districts of the Northwest Frontier Province. The Pakistani government continues to negotiate “peace agreements” with the Taliban.

Gee. How's that workin' out for ya?