Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Flat Tax: once more, with feeling!

It's no secret - I'm a big fan of a national flat income tax. Ten percent. Period. All across the board. Even for the sacred poor. Pay-to-play. After all, iffen you don't want to pay to help support the system, why on earth should you be allowed vote on how it's run??! call it whatever you want, whiners.

But a flat income tax is no good unless the electorate demands the abolition of the insidious withholding tax. Out of sight; out of mind, and the greedy politicians know it. The bite is a lot more severe, and your eye a little keener, and your pencil a little sharper when you have to write that fat gub'mint tax check every quarter.

Many countries in the rest of the world seem to know that a flat tax makes sense. It's equal. It's fair.

And ain't that what the leftist utopians always whine about: fairness? What could be more fair than making everyone pay the same ten percent? The millionaire pays $100,0000. The 10K clerk pays $1,000. That's fair. That's efficient, productive, and profitable. And this video makes a great case for an American National Flat Tax. (6 minutes well spent).

The time is now.

CC John McCain, will ya?