Monday, June 30, 2008

How stupid is Wesley Clark?

EM over at HA counts the ways.

Plus, enumerates the obamanator's less than stellar resume.

Not only can every argument Clark made get applied more to Obama than to McCain, he has now made it clear that the Obama strategy is to demean and belittle McCain’s military service — and by extension, military service in general. This will undoubtedly play very well among Obama’s nutcase fringe supporters as well as idiotic fired commanders of NATO, but that’s a mighty thin list of voters. The rest of the nation will hear these attacks and stand aghast at the dishonorable and outrageously stupid disparagement of a lifetime of service to this nation and understand with crystal clarity the radical nature of Barack Obama and his team.

We can only hope, but, since most the nanny state electorate are a gub'mint edjumacated lot, I'm not holding out much hope.