Friday, June 27, 2008

It's not on world...

...and this is not cherry picking on islam because these are not isolated incidents.

Saudi muslim cleric endorses arranged child marriages - even to infant girls.

But, ~and here's the good news~, the cleric recommends that the man wait 'an appropriate time' before sexual intercourse with his 'bride'.

Their prophet, mohammed, is their role model. He deflowered his 'bride', Aisha, at the ripe old age of nine.

Da ladies' man philosophy ~extraordinaire. Watch yer back, Heff.

But, wait. There's more!

In the islamists' phobic attempt to separate the un-familial related sexes, there's 'temporary marriage', practiced both by sunnis & shi'ias, so the horn dogs can get a little nookie without the sin or guilt.

I think in the West that's called 'hooking up', and/or involves money. But I'm no religious scholar.

And who could forget the all important 'nursing fatwah', so an adult man can be in the same room with an un-familial related adult woman - but he has to suckle first, which makes them 'related', and sharia approved.

See how prurient & perverted we Westerners are by comparison?

Fortunately, even most islamists saw how wacked that type of fatwah was, and ridiculed the cleric who issued it.

Not so funny, and frequently deadly serious, are the islamic nutjobs who like to 'enlighten' the world on the proper way a man should beat his mule wife.

Some of these nutjobs even write books about it - for Western consumption!

Thank God there's still some sanity left in Europe.

Of course, in their defense, these 'scholars' simply say they were interpreting the koran. Lovely religion.

But this takes the cake in this mindless muslim misogyny: Top cleric says women without veils must die.