Tuesday, June 10, 2008

It's not one world

At least there's still some sanity left in Spain:

Muslim imam sentenced to 15 months in jail for publishing a 'How To Beat Your Wife' book.

A jury in Barcelona found Mohamed Kamal Mustafa guilty of inciting violence against women, lawyer Jose Luis Bravo told reporters. He was also fined euros 2,160 ($2,735).

The book - some 3,000 copies of which had already been distributed - was removed from Islamic cultural centres around Spain.

I think what really turned the jury's stomach was the passage about how men can beat up their wives without leaving incriminating marks.
In his defence, the imam said he was interpreting passages from the Koran.

Two groups representing Spanish Muslims came forward ahead of the trial to distance themselves from the cleric's book, saying that the Koran and other sacred texts condemned violence against women.

Uh, ok. But I think you boys need to re-rede sura 4, and then come back to clarify that statement, because sura 4 seems pretty brutal to me.

TY KC Crime Scene