Thursday, June 12, 2008

McCain: Tax Payer Friendly Candidate??

So says Larry Kudlow.

The Republican candidate for president embraced low-tax-rate incentives to grow the economy, promising a combination of pro-growth tax reform and simplification along with significant spending restraint. He has called himself a foot soldier in the Reagan revolution. This tax speech clinches it.

I forget, Larry - was that red pill or the blue pill?

Or, maybe, this primary vetting period has been a rude awaking by the maverick for his milk toast, RINO ways. hey! it could happen.
McCain pledged to keep taxes low for families and employers, putting himself squarely in Ronald Reagan’s camp and offering to extend the long prosperity wave started by the Gipper over twenty-five years ago. In contrast, McCain charged Obama -- who gave his economic speech on Monday -- with proposing the single-biggest tax hike in the entire post-WWII period.

Larry's column is mostly long term memory loss spin, but the comments to his column are what you should really rede! Very Interesting.