Friday, June 20, 2008

Obama campaign shows its bigotry & intolerance

Oh. Wait. That headline would only appear if the obamanator was a Republican. But, since he's a democratic socialist, he'll get a pass from his propaganda shills in the MSM.

Obama apologizes to Muslim women.

Barack Obama personally apologized Thursday to two Detroit-area women who were barred from sitting behind him during a campaign rally earlier this week because they wore Islamic headscarves (known as 'hijab').

And it happened not once, but twice.
In two separate incidents Monday at a rally in Detroit, Michigan -- which boasts one of the largest Muslim communities in the United States -- women wearing headscarves were told they could not sit in the section that forms the visual backdrop behind Obama, Washington-based reported.

But what's left out of all of these MSM reports is information about the islamo-fascist front groups these women are associated with. Debbie Schlussel enlightens us with another entry of "Muslim Grievance Theater":
"Hebba Aref, was an official of the Muslim Students Association (MSA), in charge of proselytizing. The Chicago Tribune identified the MSA as part of the American manifestation of the Sunni terrorist group, Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimeen--The Muslim Brotherhood. Aref served on the executive board of the University of Michigan-Dearborn's MSA, which demanded and obtained tax-funded Muslim foot baths at that university, a story I broke on this site last year.

And Shimaa Abdelfadeel, the other woman allegedly excluded by the Obama campaign, was chair of SAFE, a University of Michigan-Ann Arbor group that hosted the 2002 Divestment Conference against Israel at which "Annihilate the Jews!" was chanted and Islamic Jihad founder Sami Al-Arian was keynote speaker. She's the author of vehement anti-Israel vitriol and propaganda."

Ms. Schlussel points out that "Isn't that just a stunning coincidence that these women just so happen to be the ones singled out by the Obama campaign?"

Also, for her trouble of publishing this information, Ms. Schlussel has received vicious rape/death threats from two U-M Dearborn practitioners of that peaceful & tolerant religion of mohammed.

TAHBYCSIFH rightly points out,
"Not all Muslims are terror supporters but a great many are and they are an overwhelmingly DEMOCRAT voting block."