Monday, June 30, 2008

Obama internet news stories vs. McCain internet news stories

A 3.63 to 1 ratio in favor of the obamanator. And most every major news organization on this rock has a web site.

Now this wasn't just a compilation of political news stories that mentioned both men. This 3.63 to 1 ratio is of obamanator stories that only featured the obamanator vs. McCain stories that only featured McCain.

3.63 to 1 ratio.

Ok. So what, you intolerant, neocon whiner. Who cares and why does it matter? Simply this: Advertising pays; and perception is reality - especially on the internet where the search engine ranking is king.

From Patrick Ruffini:

Here's how it works. Free media drives search traffic. Search traffic drives website traffic. Website traffic drives contributions and signups who can later be resolicited for money.

The Obama campaign spends in seven figures monthly on paid search advertising on Google alone, and speaking from experience, they are probably making the money back many times over. Paid search alone is a significant source of revenue for the Obama campaign, and it is driven by the media.

There is a direct correlation between media coverage and money. The reason why Obama can go private is because of the tens of thousands of surplus media stories he is getting.

Is googlag becoming the new MSM?

TY to HA