Sunday, June 29, 2008

Republicans, Democrats Differ on Creationism

It's been anecdotal internet meme: the religious Republican right vs the amoral Democratic left, in terms of "Did God Speak?". Especially about origins.

Well, Gallup did a survey, and put some hard numbers to it all. What they found out confirms the meme: Republicans much more likely than Democrats to believe humans created as-is 10,000 years ago.

How much so?

There is a significant political divide in beliefs about the origin of human beings, with 60% of Republicans saying humans were created in their present form by God 10,000 years ago, a belief shared by only 40% of independents and 38% of Democrats.

As seen here, Republicans are in general sympathetic to the creationist explanation of the origin of humans, and if the issue of what is taught in schools relating to evolution and creationism surfaces as a campaign issue, McCain's response could turn out to be quite important.

Louisiana's Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal must think those numbers are important since he just signed into law allowing Intelligent Design to be part of the science curriculum in Louisiana's gub'mint schools.

Any long time reader of this blog (thanx mom!) knows I don't think much of I.D. as science, but I agree with it as philosophy. Either way, it's a slippery slope in gub'mint schools because, next thing you know, the flying spaghetti monster crowd, or the islamists will demand their class time (and tax dollars).

AP at HA says here comes the litigation!