Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Space Jam

Room to move about while confined in tight quarters with ten other people for thirteen days: Priceless (video).

The last time anyone in space had this much room to play around (actually more) was during the Skylab missions in 1973 and 1974. At that time however, there were only three crew on board and no women.

Let's face it. It's only a matter of time before the ultimate 160 mile high club is announced, and you know it.
Meanwhile, the science and the international good will continues on the Space Station. JAXA is busy preparing its armada of space experiments with everything from crystal growth, to combustion, to astronomy from both their pressurized and robot tended external experimental packages. They have already installed the eight experimental racks that they had pre-positioned on orbit during the previous shuttle flight.

Today the Japanese robotic arm, used to tend experiments on the "back porch" of Kibo, will be given another workout as well. Then the crew will begin all the preparations to pack it in and head home tomorrow. The Space Shuttle will undock at 7:33 am EST Wednesday morning for its return to Kennedy Space Center on Saturday June 14th, 11 am.