Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Speaking of pelosi and her do-nothing myrmidons

Republicans Launch Effort To Force Pelosi Congress To Address Energy Crisis.

From the GP:

Why is America NOT energy independent?
Because, over the past 30 years:

Democrats have blocked the development of new sources of petroleum.
Democrats have blocked drilling in ANWR.
Democrats have blocked drilling off the coast of Florida.
Democrats have blocked drilling off of the east coast.
Democrats have blocked drilling off of the west coast.
Democrats have blocked drilling off the Alaskan coast.
Democrats have blocked building oil refineries.
Democrats have blocked clean nuclear energy production.
Democrats have blocked clean coal production.

And, what is the democratic solution to the current energy crisis?
--Democrats want to tax oil companies and sue OPEC!

But the chinese are drilling in our own backyard - the Gulf of Mexico.