Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Wanted: Lazy Politicians

Woodlief brings up a good point about these revolving door jabber wokkies, and their rhetoric of 'work' ( for a cause), or 'change' (for the sake of it): If they were really any good at it, they'd be millionaires in the private sector.

Plus, anyone who mentions Fredrick Bastiat & Dr. Seuss in the same blog post is worth recommending.

"This reality won't stop any of them from confidently investing your money in "economic development" as if they have some window into the future of American prosperity, of course, but let's not kid ourselves about what's really going on. While people who work for a living tend to understand that the future is messy and unpredictable (which is why most of us choose to work for large, stable companies rather than risk venturing out on our own), to politicians the future is a term paper problem. Economy in a funk? No problem, says Obama. I covered that at Columbia."

Read it all.