Friday, June 27, 2008

What would the world do without parasites lawyers?

High-profile lawyer gets 5 years for conspiring to bribe a judge.

It was the maximum sentence possible under a plea deal worked out with government prosecutors.

U.S. District Judge Neal Biggers ordered Scruggs to pay a $250,000 fine as well as for the cost of his incarceration, which was due to start on Aug. 4, according to a local television journalist who attended the hearing.

Scruggs appeared to cry at one point during the hearing and left the courtroom without speaking to reporters. The judge told him he should continue to cooperate with prosecutors over the case.

But don't weep for scruggs, blog readers. Even after he pays the quarter mil fine, and the cost of locking him up, plus losing his law license, 'ol dickie' will still be sitting pretty:
Richard "Dickie" Scruggs made millions through landmark lawsuits against tobacco, pharmaceutical and construction companies. He also sued insurance companies after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans.

I'm pretty sure his private jet will be waiting for him, too.

So next time you wonder why your premiums are sky high, or your prescription meds cost a pound of flesh, or your new office or house requires multiple bank loans to acquire, you can thank this blood sucking lawyer... fountain pen thief... parasite.

But wait. There's more! OverLawyered has a mile long rap sheet on this 'dickie' that'll take you a week to read through (not counting nausea breaks).

What would the world do without parasites lawyers?